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Committee Details

Full Governing Body

Co-Chairs - Martin Kelly & Nathalie Love

Remit of Committee

To work with the Headteacher, staff, Local Authority, Southwark Diocesan Board of Education, the community and parents to help the school provide the best possible education for all our children. It is accountable for its decisions and actions.

Admissions (AC)

Chair - Jenny Hardy

Remit of Committee

To monitor and review admissions processes, arrangements and policies.

To consider applications and ensure admissions are approved in accordance with the stated admissions policy.

To ensure suitable arrangements are in place for handling appeals.

Curriculum & Standards (CSC)

Chair -Tom McKennan

Remit of Committee

To monitor progress of all pupils and quality of teaching across the school and ensure clear, robust strategies are in place to raise achievement for all children.

To oversee arrangements to ensure a broad and rich curriculum is provided within the framework of the Christian ethos of the school.

Faith Group (FG)

Chair - Father Christopher

Remit of Committee

To monitors and supports the spiritual and moral development of children and staff.

To monitor and review the arrangements and policies for teaching RE and for collective worship.

To assist in the development of a programme of collective worship and planning of Christian Values assemblies.

Resources (RC)

Chair - Martin Kelly

Remit of Committee

To assist in the process of setting the school’s budget and three year plan and to monitor financial expenditure against budget, ensuring resources are allocated to achieve maximum benefit.

To look after school buildings and grounds, monitor and review maintenance issues and building projects, including applications for funding to support building projects. To oversee arrangements and monitor and review policies related to health & safety and security