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- Inclusion and Wellbeing at All Saints'
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
- What is the impact of our SEND provision?
What is the impact of our SEND provision?
As a result of the provision offered, children at All Saints’ CE Primary School will:
- Have their needs identified quickly and support put in place immediately
- Have up to date targets which are reviewed regularly to help them make progress
- Have their say in how they can be supported
- Participate in all activities in school
- Develop trusting relationships with adults in school who they can talk to
- Feel happy, safe, respected and cared for
- Be supported to manage their emotions effectively
- Show confidence and resilience in the classroom
- Demonstrate high levels of engagement in activities through the development of their speaking, listening and social skills
- Be confident in working collaboratively with their peers on a shared task
- Develop independence and life skills to support them as they move on to Secondary school
KS2 2023 Reading Results