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About our School

Growing Stronger Together in God's Love 

Welcome to All Saints' Church of England Primary School. We are proud of our family feel and our unique school, spread across two campuses, which has an ethos built around our core Christian values of Compassion, Koinonia (community) and Love. 

Our vision is to be a nurturing and inclusive school, proudly reflecting the diversity of our community, where every child is treated as an individual and no matter what their starting point will achieve their true potential within a safe and secure environment.

By the end of their journey, we want our children to be respectful, resilient role-models, having a self-belief in themselves and their abilities, ready to go from strength to strength.

Our keys aims are linked to scripture as you will see below:

Proverbs 22:6 Start children off the way they should go.

Here at All Saints’, we believe that starting children off the way they should go starts here. In our school community, we are proud of our All Saints’ family feelThe central element of being a family, the true meaning of koinonia, is interdependence and at All Saints’, every one of us is needed and valued and each person is important to the whole.  

​We value and celebrate diversity; enjoying close links with our local church. We have a diverse school community with staff and families from all faiths and backgrounds. Our inclusive and nurturing ethos, provides every child with the opportunity for academic, creative and sporting success. This works in tandem with our commitment to developing every aspect of the child, creating aspirational, confident and caring citizens of the future.

Ephesians 4:32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

At All Saints’ we look for compassion within ourselves so we care for others and help them. For ourselves, we try to be honest about our mistakes so we can change and improve. We accept that sometimes mistakes can be made and that these mistakes need to be forgiven. 

John 1 4:19-21 We love because he loved us first.

The love within our school is one of family and friendship. We believe friendship enables each child to grow and ensures that the unique individuality of each person is recognised, allowing them to flourish. 

Our high expectations for every pupil, have consistently achieved strong academic results, where progress, opportunity and challenge is the foundation for every pupil’s curriculum. Our staff team is dedicated to providing a safe, calm and purposeful school environment.

Luke 1:37 For with God, nothing shall be impossible

Together we grow stronger, believing that with God nothing is impossible. This extends across all we do; academically, spiritually and emotionally. By the end of their journey, we want our children to be respectful, resilient role-models, having a self-belief in themselves and abilities, ready to go from strength to strength and be truly ready for the next step in their learning journey.

For prospective parents, we hope this website will give you an overview of our school. For current parents, we hope you will find useful information, as well as keeping you up to date with school life.

We hold open days throughout the year, where myself or one of my team will take time to show you around, where you can see our ethos and values alive in every part of the school.

Come and visit us and experience what it's like to be part of the All Saints' family!

I look forward to welcoming you.   

Angela Filsell
