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Open Day Follow up

Dear Parent,

Thank you for attending one of our open days this term, during which, we let you know we were awaiting the results of our recent OFSTED as well as the publication of the 2019 SAT results. We are pleased to be able to share this information with you now.

Key Stage 2 SAT Results

We are especially pleased with our Year 6 children’s KS2 results, which were well above the National Average, making us very proud to be a top 10 Merton Primary School in all the results below, including Number 1 School in Merton for Reading with 97%.

% pupils making expected standard or higher in: All Saints’ KS2 Results National Average Merton Average
Reading 97% 73% 79%
Writing 90% 78% 80%
SPAG 97% 78% 86%
Maths 93% 79% 83%
Combined, Reading, Writing, Maths 86% 65% 69%


Our most recent OFSTED inspection took place in September 2019 and we were delighted to continue to be graded as a GOOD School. We have undergone regular OFSTED Inspections, maintaining our GOOD rating now for over 14 years now, which we are very proud of! You can view the whole report here.

Kind Regards 
Angela Filsell