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Our most recent OFSTED inspection took place in September 2019 and we are delighted to continue to be graded as a GOOD School. We have undergone regular OFSTED Inspections and have maintained our GOOD rating now for over 14 years, which we are very proud of!

Here are some highlights from our OFSTED Report

“This is a welcoming and friendly place. Pupils enjoy coming to school because they feel safe and cared for.” “ Pupils respect each other and have a strong sense of moral purpose. They know that it is important to be kind"
“Classrooms are calm, and pupils learn together with their friends.” “Behaviour in classrooms and in the playground is calm. All work together to promote the school’s ethos of compassion, community and love.”
“Staff have developed a culture where pupils can make mistakes and try things that may
look hard at first.”
“ In classes, pupils are confident to share ideas without worrying that they might not have the right answer yet. They know that they can learn from their own and others’ mistakes.”
Parent View

Parent View gives you the chance to tell OFSTED what you think about your child’s school. The survey can be completed at any time; you don’t have to wait until the school is being inspected.

OFSTED and HMI inspection teams will always take the views of parents into consideration and it is extremely helpful if as many parents as possible complete the OFSTED Parent View questionnaire. As a school, we too can view responses and it is always very helpful to get feedback which ensures we can improve. Thank you.

OFSTED Guidance on School Inspections: A Guide for Parents.

The document below is a document from OFSTED for parents so they can understand the OFSTED Inspection process.

It applies to all maintained schools, including special schools and pupil referral units. It also covers academies, city technology colleges, city colleges for the technology of the arts and some non-maintained special schools in England.