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PE & Sports Premium

What is Sports Premium?

The Government in England has provided additional funding of approximately £150 million per annum since 2013/14 to improve PE and school sport in primary schools. Schools receive PE and sport premium funding based on the number of pupils in years 1 to 6.

The sport funding can only be spent on sport and PE provision in schools. OFSTED will ensure that schools spend this funding carefully and that it leads to raised standards and opportunities in PE and school sport for all children throughout the primary phase.

How much Funding did we receive?

All Saints’ C of E Primary School received £25,170.00 during the academic year 2023/24. The Sports Premium money is spent in the following ways:

  • Membership of the Merton School Sports Partnership
  • Supply cover so that teachers can accompany teams to sporting competitions and events.
  • Professional sports coaching by Merton PE
  • Comprehensive Swimming Programme for Years 4-6

The effect of the premium on pupils’ PE and sport participation and attainment

We evaluate the impact of the Schools’ Sports Funding as part of our on-going self-evaluation process.

The children enjoyed and benefited from being taught by professional Sports coaches, exposing them to a good range of different sports from an early age. Regardless of their age or ability it is a popular class in the week, helping to build self-esteem and confidence levels in our children. Our teachers' expertise improved through sharing good practice and assisting in the PE lessons led by the coaches too.

The increased professional sports coaching and increased participation in sporting competitions has helped to raise the profile of sport in the school and given children the opportunity to compete against other children form different schools. Our children have frequently been awarded the Refspect award at tournaments they have participated in. So far this year we have won the Refspect award in: KS2 sitting volleyball, Years 3&4 Dodgeball and KS2 Inclusive Tennis tournaments.

Year 6 Sitting Volleyball Team:

KS2 Cross Country Team:

Netball and Football Teams: