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Key Information

St. Ruth's PE day is every Monday

St. Thomas' PE days is every Tuesday 

Children will need to wear their full All Saints' PE Kit to school on these days. Please be mindful of the weather and choose the most appropriate PE kit (tracksuit bottoms in winter and shorts in summer).  Stud earrings and plain watches, if worn, must be removed for all PE lessons and sports activities.

Children wear their house colour T-Shirt for all PE lessons. Round neck coloured t-shirts can be bought from the school uniform shop or can be sourced elsewhere.  When purchasing your child’s t-shirt, they should be round necked, completely plain and as close as possible to the shade of colour shown on the school uniform page.


Please also provide the following:

  • Named book bag

  • Named water bottle

  • Named coat or light weight jacket (weather dependant)

  • A bag of spare clothes to be kept on their pegs in case of accidents

We have a chef on site cooking healthy and delicious school meals daily which are free to all children of primary school age. Menus are shared with parents and we ask for your child’s lunch choice as they come in each day. There are always 2 options along with a jacket potato and salad bar choice.  A healthy packed lunch (no sweets, chocolates, nuts or fizzy drinks) may also be provided.

All children in Early Years receive a piece of fruit daily so please do not send any additional snacks into school. Fresh milk is also available daily and parents may wish to send in a milk substitute where necessary.

Please do not send your child to school with a pencil case or toys from home- all equipment needed will be supplied by the school.


Get Involved! 

There are numerous opportunities for you to join in with the life of the school in the following ways:

  • Attending Teddy Bears Picnic events

  • Attending parent workshop opportunities

  • Accompanying us on School Trips

  • Volunteering in School

  • Supporting the PTFA All Saints Events

  • Autumn School Fair

  • Koinonia Kafe (part of our 'Celebrating our Community Fortnight') (Autumn)

  • Meet the teacher presentation (Autumn)

  • Parents Evening (Autumn and Spring)

  • Celebration Evening (Summer)

  • Watching Sports Day (Summer)



Tapestry is an online ‘Learning Journal’ where school staff can share with parents the exciting learning experiences that your child accesses throughout the week. It is also a way of you understanding your child’s development and what their individual next steps are. Teachers upload weekly ‘Newsletters’ informing you of what we have learnt in school and will set short, practical tasks for you to complete with your child at home. Home Learning is set each Friday and ‘Tapestry Showcase’ is set for the following Friday so the children can share their learning with their friends.


All Saints’ is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. We expect all staff, governors, visitors, families and children to share this commitment. We have a Child Protection Policy and robust supporting procedures in place. 

Parents and carers are encouraged to visit our Online Safety page on our website to find out how to keep your child(ren) safe online.

If you have any concerns about the well-being or safety of a child at our school or feel that something may be troubling them, you should share this information with an appropriate member of staff straight away.