Year 3
There are four topics Year 3 will cover this year- click below to find out more.
Prehistoric World- Stone age to Iron age - Autumn 1 
Prehistoric World- Stone age to Iron age
Year 3 will journey from the Stone Age to the Iron Age, covering around 10,000 years, between the last Ice Age and the coming of the Romans. The children will learn that history would have been impossible without prehistory, and that It was during prehistory that Britain acquired its languages, landscape and regional identities. Year 3 will be immersed in the prehistoric world with learning such as how tools changed through time; how buildings were constructed; how villages operated; and how people defended themselves. They will consider how man moved from hunter-gatherer to farmer, from rural to urban, from fighting for survival to sophisticated society.
What are mega-diverse countries? - Autumn 2 
What are mega-diverse countries?
Year 3 will discover weird and wonderful plants of the world as they find out about flora in all seven continents. They will locate continents and countries on a world map, identify climate zones and biomes (and the plants that grow in them), explore ways in which humans are interconnected with their environment both locally and globally.
Ruling Romans and all things Italian- Spring Term 
How did the Roman Empire Impact Britain?
Year 3 will develop their knowledge of British and world history in this exciting unit about the Roman invaders and settlers who came to Britain. They will learn everything they need to know about the rise of Roman Britain, opposition from the Celts, the legacy that was left behind when they went home and much more.
Exploring Italy
They will begin by learning where Italy is in the world, and then discover the physical geography of the country. Children will explore the country’s many famous cities and landmarks, and immerse themselves in the culture of Italy. Who travels to school by boat? Compare Venice with the Isles of Scilly?
It’s the Egyptian life for me!- Summer Term 
Year 3 will explore the geography of ancient Egypt, including the location of Egypt on map, exploring the geographical features of the River Nile and using information about Egypt and ancient Egyptian sites to plan a holiday in Egypt!
Who were the Ancient Egyptians?
In this unit, Year 3 will focus on the attitudes, beliefs, and ways of life of the Ancient Egyptians. They will build a clear picture of a past society 5,000 years ago through the study of evidence which has come to light scarcely 200 years ago. The children will discover the Gift of the Nile, the iconic images of pyramids, the centrally important religious beliefs and the way we can work out details of people’s daily lives by interpreting the fragments of evidence that has survived. The children will also compare and contrast their findings with other ancient societies from that time.
Key Information
St. Margaret's PE days are Monday and Wednesday.
St. Mark's PE days are Wednesday and Friday.
Children will need to wear their full All Saints' PE Kit to school on these days. Please be mindful of the weather and choose the most appropriate PE kit (tracksuit bottoms in winter and shorts in summer). Stud earrings and plain watches, if worn, must be removed for all PE lessons and sports activities.
Children wear their house colour T-Shirt for all PE lessons. Round neck coloured t-shirts can be bought from the school uniform shop or can be sourced elsewhere. When purchasing your child’s t-shirt, they should be round necked, completely plain and as close as possible to the shade of colour shown on the school uniform page.
Water Bottles & Snacks
Children must bring a water bottle to school to ensure they keep hydrated throughout the day. Water bottles must be clearly labelled with your child’s name.
Children have the option of bringing a healthy snack to eat at playtime- such as a piece of fruit/vegetables, rice cakes, crackers or a small sandwich. We are a nut free school, so no nuts are allowed to be brought onto the school premises.
Pencil Cases
Children are not to bring their own pencil case into school from home - all equipment your child requires for their learning will be provided by the school.
Home Learning
This will be set on Google Classroom on a Friday and must be 'turned in' by the following Friday. Please click the tab on the right-hand side of this page to find out the expectations for Year 3 (including a Google Classroom Parent Guide).
Start and the End of the School day.
Our school day starts at 8.45am. This allows the children time to settle and complete their Early Work, ready for their first lesson at 9am. Please ensure that your child arrives at school on time.
At the end of the day, St. Margaret's class will be escorted down to the playground in-between the Year 1 classes and St. Mark's via their classroom door at 3:30. Children will remain with the teacher until the appropriate adult comes to collect them.
If a different adult is collecting your child please inform the school by e-mailing
Get Involved!
There are numerous opportunities for you to join in with the life of the school in the following ways:
- Attending parent workshop opportunities
- Accompanying us on School Trips
- Volunteering in School
- Supporting the PTFA All Saints Events
- Autumn School Fair
- Koinonia Kafe (part of our 'Celebrating our Community Fortnight') (Autumn)
- Meet the teacher presentation (Autumn)
- Parents Evening (Autumn and Spring)
- Celebration Evening (Summer)
- Watching Sports Day (Summer)
All Saints’ is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. We expect all staff, governors, visitors, families and children to share this commitment. We have a Child Protection Policy and robust supporting procedures in place.
Parents and carers are encouraged to visit our Online Safety page on our website to find out how to keep your child(ren) safe online.
If you have any concerns about the well-being or safety of a child at our school or feel that something may be troubling them, you should share this information with an appropriate member of staff straight away.