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What do writing lessons look like at All Saints'?

The intent is embedded across our English lessons and the wider curriculum. We have a rigorous and well-organised English curriculum and framework that provides many purposeful opportunities for reading, writing and discussion. The high-quality text is often the same text that is studied during daily comprehension sessions. We passionately believe that reading and writing are inextricably linked therefore studying the text in both reading and writing sessions encourages children to make links and become empathetic and ambitious writers. Long, medium and short term planning and the use of progression maps ensure that a variety of genres are progressively taught and built upon both throughout the year and throughout the school.

Teachers also ensure that cross-curricular links with concurrent topic work are woven into the programme of study. Children are given the opportunity to transfer and build upon their knowledge of a genre studied during English lessons and apply this learning to a topic focus.

The Approach below follows on from the approach taken in Reception- click here to find out more.

All Saints Approach to Writing


Immerse and then immerse some more!       

Talk and then talk some more!

  • Creative Hook
  • Introduce Vocabulary
  • Stylistic analysis, box up and construct toolkit
  • Internalise stimulus text and deepen understanding-text map & drama

Label it, teach it directly, and play with it

Explore the Toolkit






  • Plan your new version and talk the text
  • Model/share write
  • Independent write
  • Editing