Art & Design
Growing Stronger Together in God's Love
At All Saints’, we encourage children to express their creativeness through a love of art and design. Our art curriculum engages, inspires and challenges our children, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art and design that they love and feel proud of. They learn how art reflects and shapes our history, contributes to the culture, creativity and wealth of our world; they learn to love and appreciate it.
As part of lessons, children are given the opportunity to work collaboratively as a team with their peers. Often they talk about their ideas and processes they have used in their own and others’ work. We strongly encourage children to recognise the strength in their own work and in others’.
The children have meaningful opportunities to create art work for various events to support our communities. They create art work alongside learning about inter-faith harmony, harvest festival, remembrance day and decorate the church for liturgical celebrations.
In our art curriculum, we promote children to explore, analyse and evaluate different elements of art. Although they may come across challenges in their artistic journey, we encourage children that mistakes are part of an artist’s journey. Evidence of their creative journey is seen through their Art sketchbooks where they have creative control to reflect and review their work. We encourage children to remember that we focus on the process and not just the end result.
As in all of our subjects, as children work through the art unit in hand, they will be given opportunities to explore and be immersed in the learning, be explicitly taught skills and learn to apply, and critique, them through our All Saints' Approach: Engage, Skill-Build and Create-Evaluate.
We value Art and Design as an important part of children’s broad and balanced curriculum experience. Art and Design provides children with the opportunities to express their individual interests, thoughts and ideas whilst also giving them the opportunity to develop and extend their skills.
Art and design represents some of the highest forms of human creativity. A high-quality art and design education should inspire, engage and challenge children equipping them with the skills and knowledge to experiment and create their own individual works of art and design. They should learn how Art and Design shape and reflect our world’s history and contribute to the creativity, culture and wealth of our nation.
The national curriculum for Art and Design aims to ensure:
- All pupils produce creative work, explore their ideas and record their experiences
- All pupils become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques
- All pupils evaluate and analyse creative words using the language of art, craft and design
- All pupils to learn about the significant artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.
Pupils in Nursery and Reception have access to a creative area in the indoor and outdoor provision, which allows the pupils to learn through play. The creative areas provide children with open access to equipment and resources to draw, design and make creations linked to children’s ongoing interests, topics, artists, skills and techniques. The pupils’ ongoing creative experiences of Expressive Arts and Design, link closely to several Early Learning Goals (Communication and Language, Physical Development, Exploring and creating with materials and Being Imaginative and Expressive.)
In Nursery and Reception, Art and Design is continuously covered throughout the year. This allows pupils to develop their own ideas and interests, be creative and recognise their own strengths and weaknesses. In addition to this continuous exploration, which explores both independent and collaborative Art, pupils are given the opportunity to develop our five main areas of Art and Design: Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Printing and Collage. Pupils in Nursery and Reception are also introduced to Artist Pablo Picasso and the Cubism andSurrealism Art movement.
Year 1 
Painting: In the Autumn term, Year 1 will use thick and thin brushes for specific purposes and know their primary colours and mix them to make secondary colours. The children will explore the Artist Vincent Van Gogh and the Post-Impressionist Art movement to create pictures of landmarks around the world in the style of Vincent Van Gogh.
Drawing: In the Spring term, Year 1 will draw lines of different sizes, thickness, straight, curved, horizontal, vertical, wavy and show pattern and texture by adding dots and lines. The children will explore the Artist Stephen Wiltshire and the Contemporary Art movement to sketch areas of the school grounds and buildings in the local area.
Sculpture: In the Summer term, Year 1 will use tools to join shapes and use techniques such as rolling, cutting, moulding and carving. The children will explore the Artist Joshua Smith and the Miniature sculptures Art movement to create miniature models of Royal residences (Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, Sandringham House).
Year 2 
Drawing: In the Autumn term, Year 2 will explore light and dark tones using different grades of pencil, pressing harder to make bold lines and lightly to create soft lines. The children will explore the Artist Oscar-Claude Monet and the Impressionism Art movement to use a range of pencils, chalk and oil pastels to sketch the Wandle river.
Printing: In the Spring term, Year 2 will use objects to create prints (e.g. fruits, vegetables or sponges) and use stencils (e.g. cut from cardboard) to create patterns. The children will explore the Artist Renee Fly and the Contemporary Art movement to create a repeated pattern of a selection of prints.
Collage: In the Summer term, Year 2 will fold, crumple, tear, overlap and overlay materials (e.g. materials) and describe contrasts in texture and colour. The children will explore the Artist Chila Kumari Burman and the Contemporary Art movement to create a Fire of London collage in the style of Chila Kumari Burman.
Year 3 
Painting: In the Autumn term, Year 3 will mix colours accurately and recognise and use neutral colours (black, white and grey). The children will explore the Prehistoric Art movement to use their painting skills to create their own prehistoric art.
Drawing: In the Spring term, Year 3 will use different hardness of pencils to show line, tone and texture (hatch and cross hatch, dot, dash, circle, spiral) and sketch lightly (no need to use a rubber to correct mistakes). The children will explore the Artist Leonardo Da Vinci and the Renaissance Art movement to sketch portraits and ancient Roman jewellery/ artefacts with support from Leonardo Da Vinci’s artwork.
Sculpture: In the Summer term, Year 3 will plan, design and make models from observation and imagination. The children will explore the Artist Andy Goldsworthy and the Environmental & Land Art movement to collect natural resources and use manmade resources to create their own interpretation of an Egyptian burial chamber.
Year 4 
Collage: In the Autumn term, Year 4 will make patterns with interlocking shapes and embellish using stitching and applique techniques. The children will explore the Artist Brianna McCarthy and Contemporary Art movement to create a collage in the style of Brianna McCarthy showcasing what home means to them..
Printing: In the Spring term, Year 4 will make a print with impressive designs using materials such as plasticine, clay and polystyrene press print tiles. The children will explore the Anglo-Saxon Art movement to sketch Anglo-Saxon patterns and techniques and repeatedly print them.
Drawing: In the Summer term, Year 4 will show where objects overlap and create a sense of perspective. The children will explore the Artist L. S. Lowry and the Naïve Art movement to experiment sketching Greek patterns and storytelling on vases with influences from L. S. Lowry's art style.
Year 5 
Printing: In the Autumn term, Year 5 will create an accurate pattern, showing fine detail and make relief-print tiles e.g. using card, string, wool. The children will explore the Artist Andy Warhol and Pop Art movement to create a repeated Viking style print in the style of Andy Warhol’s Pop Art.
Collage: In the Spring term, Year 5 will explore the translucent nature of tissue paper and use ceramic mosaic materials and techniques. The children will explore the artist Alma Thomas and the Expressionism and Realism Art movement to create a collage of different planets in the solar system inspired by Alma Thomas’ space art.
Drawing: In the Summer term, Year 5 will produce increasingly accurate drawings of people and explore colour mixing and blending techniques with coloured pencils. The children will explore the Artist Yvadney Davis and the Contemporary Art movement to create portraits of the Windrush generation, using Yvadney Davis’ artwork as a stimulus.
Year 6 
Drawing: In the Autumn term, Year 6 will observe and use a variety of techniques to show the effect of light on objects and people (use rubbers to lighten, use pencil to show tone, use tones of the same colour). The children will explore the Artist Frida Kahlo and Surrealism Art movement to sketch pictures of South American historians and imitate iconic Frida Kahlo portraits.
Painting: In the Spring term, Year 6 will develop a personal style of painting, drawing upon ideas from other artists and use monochromatic and analogous colours. The children will explore the artist Esther Mahlangu and the Ndebele Art movement to explore Ndebele Artwork (colour, shape, dynamic) to create their own African paintings.
Sculpture: In the Summer term, Year 6 will use tools to carve and add shapes texture and pattern on clay with more complexity. The children will explore the Artist Dame Magdalene Anyango Namakhiya Odundo DBE and the Contemporary Art movement to create clay pottery influenced/ inspired by Dame Magdalene Anyango Namakhiya Odundo DBE.