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- Design & Technology (D&T)
- 2. What is the impact of D&T at All Saints'?
2. What is the impact of D&T at All Saints'?
We want children to end their time at All Saints with a range of skills in all the different elements of Design and Technology. By the end of Year 6, children would have engaged and explored D&T in the wider world, and know key of designers and what they are well known for. Children will have been given the opportunity to create and experiment with designs of their own, utilsing the skills that they have learnt, and built up, over their time here. Most importantly, we want children to have the confidence to take risks.
Pupil voice interviews show that the children enjoy D&T and take pride in the work that they produce and evaluate for effectiveness.
Progress and attainment are measured against National Curriculum expectations. These are informed by teacher, peer and self-assessment and evaluations. Children are encouraged to evaluate their product at the end of each D&T unit. We support and encourage children to use technical language when evaluating their own or other people’s work.
Our continuing CPD, based on lesson observations and skills audits, ensures that our teachers are up-to-date and confident providers of high quality D&T teaching.
Food and Nutrition
The impact of Food and Nutrition can be seen from Early Years, where they make shape sandwiches, right up to Year 6, where they make vegetable Empanadas.
Year 1-6 Data Outcomes