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- Curriculum Subjects
- Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education
- 2. What is the impact of PSHE at All Saints'?
2. What is the impact of PSHE at All Saints'?
The impact of our PSHE curriculum is that our children are equipped with the skills and attributes they need to navigate life in the modern world. They should be empowered with a positive attitude and resilience that enables them to face and overcome societal challenges. The success of the curriculum will be assessed via regular self-reflection and assessment, lesson observations and changes in behaviour incidents as recorded in CPOMS (Child Protection Online Monitoring System). Our responsive and proactive curriculum is also adapted to reflect current issues both nationally and locally, that may affect our pupils, putting our children’s needs as our main priority. This will then inform future adaptions of the scheme of work and help to ensure progression and relevance is evident throughout the school.
In order to demonstrate that we have accomplished our aims, pupils at All Saints Primary School should:
- Leave school with the knowledge and values needed when encountering new experiences.
- Be equipped with the emotional and social competencies that form a bridge between health and education.
- Understand what discrimination means and how to stand against it.
- Be equipped with ways to self-regulate and soothe.
- Be prepared for the physical and emotional changes of puberty.
- Know what to do when faced with peer pressure.
- Understand what hate crime is and be kind and respectful to all members of society.
- Be given frequent opportunities to practice positive behavior and understand what this looks like.
- Be committed learners for life.
- Understand what a respectful relationship looks like and know how to assert themselves when needed.
- Be responsible, reflective and active citizens both locally and globally
- are aware of online and offline risks to their well-being.
- are prepared for secondary school.
- In Reception 2023, we were in line with the National Average and above the local authority for PSED.
Our continuing CPD, based on lesson observations and skills audits, ensures that our teachers are up-to-date and confident providers of high quality PSHE teaching.
Year 1-6 Data Outcomes