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- English
- Writing
- 2. What do writing lessons look like at All Saints' in KS1 & KS2?
- 1. Engage
1. Engage
During the 'Engage' part of an English unit, we...
- Where possible, we include a fascinator/experience/set the context to engage the children and bring their writing to life– just a small investment in time can result in a big pay-off.
- If pupils are to become successful in academic life, they need to be able to get meaning from text, which in turns means being able to build meaning using the more sophisticated vocabulary of written language. As a result, we have key vocabulary for every English unit. Multiple encounters of these key words take place over the English unit to become permanently and flexibly represented in pupils’ vocabulary repertoires.
- Boxing-up the structure of a text is a very useful strategy we use to help children internalise a sense of structure in writing. To work out the underlying structure, a stimulus text is used and together, the teacher and the children problem-solve the text, to work out the pattern of the discussion piece
- Children use their knowledge of grammar, punctuation and spelling to do a stylistic analysis, commenting on the effectiveness of a text.
- Begin the lesson by retelling the story aloud to the class, modelling how expression and tone enhances the storytelling,
- We generate excitement and anticipation of a text by retelling the text using expression and tone. The children learn the text off by heart internalising of the text to use at a later date. Simple and clear text/story maps and actions are used to help aide their memory.
- Drama is a key strategy to help pupils deepen their imaginative engagement with a story.
Creative Hook
Year 4
Year 6
Immerse and then immerse some more!
Story Maps
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Analysing the Text
Year 3 Year 4
Year 5 Year 6
Role play