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3. Create

Mark making

Before children are able to form letters, they need to learn how to make marks. These marks can be with their finger in yoghurt or pictures they've drawn or painted. They're working out how writing works, how to hold their pencil, what pressure to put on the paper and how to control the marks they make.

We have mark making and writing resources available for children to use in every area of the early years provision - including outside. Children have space to explore making marks and room to make large scale marks on the floor where they can stretch out. 

Writing and language

When children first start to scribble, it's simply a physical activity. But through interactions with adults, they learn that these marks have meaning and can convey thoughts and feelings. We talk to the children about what they've produced as it gives them confidence to experiment more with mark making and extends their understanding of how writing works.


It was Kipper's birthday in Reception and their literacy focus was writing invitations so we could all join the birthday celebrations!