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Computing In Action!

All Saints celebrated safer internet day on Tuesday 6th February. This years theme was ‘’Inspiring Change’. The children took part in a range of activities which sparked lots of interesting discussions about how to stay safe online

Key Stage 1 looked at different types of technology through history. The children worked in groups to sort the devices from ‘Oldest’ to ‘Newest’. This provoked some really interesting comments about how technology has changed!


Year 1 have been learning to paint using a computer. They used to experiment with using new tools. Here you can see the children using the shape function to add shapes in different colours.

Year 2 have been learning about the different types of technology that can be found in school and in the world. They discussed how to use technology safely and what this looks like.

Key Stage 2 discussed how much what young people see on the internet can influence their emotions. They looked at a range of scenarios and considered whether it would have a negative impact or positive impact on how the people viewing it may be feeling.

The children finished the day by coming together for Collective Worship. During this time the children thought about things that can change when you are using the internet and what we should do if something unexpected pops up on your device. We talked about making sure you tell an adult and ask for help!

Year 3 have been learning about how different devices work. They looked at the relationship between inputs, processes, and outputs. The children then invented their own devices, they considered  what the devise inputs, processes and outputs would be.